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The UpLift Canada Foundation was founded by Maggie Larocque in January 2021. Equipped with a strong executive team of fellow university students, The UpLift Canada Foundation is able to continuously provide volunteer experience by youth, to youth in local communities!
Did you know that in Canada, the average person throws out 81 pounds of textiles annually, while North Americans send 10 million tonnes of clothing to the landfill every year?
By up-cycling clothing donations, UpLift Canada is alleviating environmental damage caused by clothing waste in landfills, and instead repurposing these items into a usable resource.
The UpLift Canada Foundation works to alleviate environmental and social justice inequalities in a way that benefits both the giver and the receiver. We aim to support individuals who are systemically over represented in shelter housing and embrace an intersectional approach to giving and receiving.
Maggie Larocque (she/her)
Maggie Larocque founded the Uplift Canada Foundation in January 2021, while she was an honours student at McGill University. Now a McGill graduate, Maggie continues to grow within the NPO sector, specifically within the gender equity, environment and youth mentorship arena. From the work of Uplift Canada Foundation to mentoring youth in her role as Coordinator at BG
Maddy Huehn (she/her)
Co-Director of Uplift Canada Foundation
After 5 years, Maddy is fast approaching the end of her BSc in Food, Nutrition and Health at the University of British Columbia. Learning about how food choices can impact people and our planet has opened her eyes to the value of being intentional in our choices. She has always been fascinated by what we can do as a community to collecti
Rowan Melnick (she/her)
Co-Director of Uplift Canada Foundation
Rowan is currently studying at the University of British Columbia, pursuing a degree in design and sustainability. She loves working in collaboration with different people with unique ideas and is dedicated to creating a more sustainable world for the future. Clothing waste and the subsequent social and environmental problems that res
Raphieal Newbold (he/him)
VP Public Policy
Raphieal completed his BSc in BIology at Dalhousie University. After that, he moved to Montreal to complete his MSc in Experimental Medicine at McGill University. Raphieal currently works at L'Oreal as a Medical Communications Manager. In his spare time, he loves to volunteer, stay active, and read. He is both proud and happy to be the VP Public Policy of
Trew Dancey (he/him)
VP Finance
Trew completed his Honours in environmental sciences and geography at McMaster University, and shares a real passion for sustainability and environmental aid. He currently works for PwC and is pursuing his CPA.
Sarah Waterfall (she/her)
VP Grant Administration
Sarah has recently completed a Bachelor of Commerce with a specialization in Finance from the UBC Sauder School of Business, and has a background working in Vancouver's recycled clothing sector. Sarah values the opportunity to contribute to environmental sustainability, and is delighted to be a part of the Uplift Canada Foundation teams’ contribution
Ishika Obeegadoo (she/her)
VP Community Outreach Coordinator
Ishika was born and raised in Mauritius and has lived in Canada for almost a decade. She completed her BA&Sc. in Cognitive Science with a minor in Economics at McGill University, and moved to Ottawa for her PhD in Epidemiology. Her research focuses on understanding anxiety, depression and suicidality among marginalized groups. As Community
Alexandra Beck (she/her)
VP Community Outreach - on leave
Alexandra completed her double majoring in International Development Studies and Art History with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies at McGill University. She is incredibly passionate about access to reproductive healthcare and sustainability, and participates in many social justice activities to further her i
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